07 4032 1746 admin@cafnec.org.au


Nov 10 2022


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Webinar Renewable Energy and Biodiversity Conservation

EnviroCare and CAFNEC welcome members and community to attend this webinar about Renewable Energy and Biodiversity Conservation

Join Lucy Graham, The Director of the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre to hear more about the challenges in the intersection between biodiversity conservation and renewable energy infrastructure. For a long time the environment movement has been pushing for a transition from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy to limit climate damaging emissions and secure a safer future. However, as we see the rapid rollout of renewables, our planning and environment laws are failing to ensure that this doesn’t come at an unacceptable impact to nature. 

Lucy will highlight the issues, locally and across the state, talk about the work that is currently being done to advocate for a restorative energy industry and let attendees know how they can get involved in helping us secure a future for a safe climate future for people and nature.

Join on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3545107001