DONATE - Make a difference today.

DonateBecome an ecostar
Join us this September as we make moves towards the health of our planet, and ourselves!
How it works?
1. Pick a challenge like walking, riding, running, swimming or skating
2. Get your family and friends to sponsor you
3. Track your progress and make a difference!
4. Be in the running for some awesome prizes!
Don’t forget, you can set whatever targets you like and make changes to those targets as you go if you need (and your targets are always private) – so there’s no excuses! Just having fun in the great outdoors with friends.
CAFNEC relies on donations to continue to push for greater conservation and protection of our region’s remarkable environment. 

We have a saying at CAFNEC: 
“Give us $5 and we’ll turn it into $50” 

Donations such as yours have made this organisation unstoppable over the decades. Your support is giving us the power and freedom to work on the issues that matter most to our community.

You can make a one off or recurring tax deductible donation using the form on this page and a receipt will be emailed to you. 

To find out how your donation will help and what other ways to give there are such as Gifts in Wills please read on. 

Donate to CAFNEC


Our Climate, Our Way of Life

Your donation will help having conversations about climate change with residents living in vulnerable suburbs and providing resources and training to concerned residents in forming suburb-specific climate action groups.

Community Organising

Your donation will support the ability to build people power through growing and strengthening relationships with our members, supporters and the broad-based community. Your help will support the work of Member Groups across FNQ and provide an opportunity for them to strengthen relationships, collaborate and communicate their work.


Your donation helps enhance the capacity to connect with local and regional partners who work in land care and engage with volunteers across different demographics in FNQ learn how to be citizen scientists and gather data to contribute to more informed land management. You help to grow advocacy for a thriving tropical environment.

From our director

Your funding will help CAFNEC advocate with the community to protect our environment and people. Your support will provide important resources to run campaigns, support our member groups and assist the community when they come to us for help on important environmental issues. Your donations also make sure we can employ an amazing team of skilled people to make it all happen!


EcoStar & EcoStar Business Monthly Giving

In a world full of uncertainty and instability, EcoStar monthly donations give CAFNEC the financial confidence and security to reach further, aim higher and pursue long-term change. 

Our monthly EcoStar donations provide vital reliable funds that help us continue to strengthen our region’s capacity for conservation and ensure the voice of our community and environment are strong and independent. 

Whether you’re a Business, Local or Visitor who fell in love with the beauty of FNQ, you can help to protect our unique, tropical environment with a regular donation starting from just $10 per month. Sign up today by clicking here!

One off Donations

We welcome one off donations large or small. You can use the form at the top of this page to make a one off donation with your credit card. If you prefer to make an electronic transfer into our account, in particular for larger donations, our bank details are Accnt name: CAFNEC Gift Fund BSB: 704966 Accnt: 100000899. Please type your Full name in the reference field.
If you require a tax receipt for your bank transfer please email with your name, address and date of donation.

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Leaving a gift in your will to CAFNEC. 

When you leave a gift in your will to CAFNEC you provide a legacy for your children, grandchildren and all future generations. A gift in your will costs nothing now, and every gift, large or small, will help to drive the change needed to protect the places, wildlife and people we love in Far North Queensland. We know that climate change, habitat destruction, and wildlife extinction threaten the wonders of Far North Queensland. Leaving a gift in your will can help safeguard the future of FNQ for our families, loved ones and all living things.

Writing your Will 

Your will can reflect what is important to you in your life. Leaving a gift in your will often comes from a deep joy in the natural environment and a desire to pass this on to future generations. Discuss your wishes with your family to ensure they understand that your charitable gifts are really important to you.

Your Will is a very important legal document and Cairns and Far North Environment Centre advise that you consult a solicitor or the Office of the Public Trust. If you have already prepared your will, you can still include a gift to CAFNEC by adding a Codicil or when you next update your current will.

Appropriate wording of your Will is crucial. For your gift to be valid the organisation’s full name, i.e. Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Incorporated, must be used. If necessary, your solicitor or trustee company can contact us to discuss your wishes or request further information. 

Suggested wording

A clause may be inserted in your Will using the following words:
“I GIVE (insert here the details of the bequest) free from all debts (secured and unsecured) payable in respect of my estate to the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Incorporated  and I DECLARE that a receipt of the Secretary or Treasurer for the time being of the said Cairns and Far North Environment Centre  Incorporated  shall  be  a  full  and  sufficient  discharge of this bequest to my executor(s).”

You may need to update your will several times over your lifetime as circumstances change. It is important to review your will regularly to make sure it is still valid so that your wishes can be fulfilled

Common types of gifts 

Specific cash gift 

A specific cash amount is another form of gift that allows you to nominate a certain quantity of money. Regular review of your Will should be made. 

Residual gifts 

After providing for family and friends you can choose to leave what remains (residual) to Cairns and Far North Environment Centre. Regular review of your Will is recommended to account for changes in your estate or compensate for inflation.

Percentage gift 

You may decide to share your estate among a number of charities by allocating a percentage. In this case your Will does not need to be reviewed regularly. 

Contact information

Please contact us for further information about leaving a gift in your will, we would love to talk with you, particularly if you have already taken steps to include CAFNEC in your will. Confidentiality of your advice will be respected at all times.

Tel: (07) 4032 1746

Fundraise for CAFNEC

Participating in a sporting event, race or challenge that you could raise funds for CAFNEC via? You can set up a Peer-to-Peer fundraising page via our Fundraise4CAFNEC page hosted by Raisely. Through this page you can collect donations which will automatically be transferred to CAFNEC, post updates and customise your site.
Sign up to Fundraise for CAFNEC.

Donations of $2 or more to CAFNEC are tax deductible.

The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR).

Got questions?

Contact our fundraising coordinator Derryn Knuckey; Email: 

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