by | Nov 21, 2013 | Past Events
Congratulations to GetUp Cairns and everyone who participated in the successful Global Cooling Party at the Esplanade lagoon last weekend! Over 400 Cairns residents joined thousands of Australians nationwide on November 17, 2013 to call for stronger action on climate...
by | Nov 20, 2013 | Media Release
Sunday 17th Nov, 11am at Cairns Lagoon Residents of Cairns will join thousands of Australians in towns and cities around the country on November 17 to call for action on dangerous climate change. Get Up Cairns explained, “We took part in this huge national day of...
by | Nov 11, 2013 | Past Events
On 17th November, tens of thousands of Australians will gather in capital cities and hundreds of regional towns to make it clear: the majority of Australians want stronger action on climate change. Join us at the Cairns lagoon this Sunday at 11am for the Cairns Global...
by | Sep 27, 2013 | Past Events
The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre has created the FNQ Solar Hub project to promote the uptake of solar power by the households and businesses of Far North Queensland and to direct people to participating solar providers. The FNQ Solar Hub will provide clear...
by | Aug 29, 2013 | Media Release, News
Are you wondering where our local Federal election candidates stand on environment issues? We asked the candidates in Leichhardt a few questions to find out, and have created a scorecard to compare them. Download the full scorecard including detailed responses from...