Sunday 17th Nov, 11am at Cairns Lagoon

Residents of Cairns will join thousands of Australians in towns and cities around the country on November 17 to call for action on dangerous climate change.

Get Up Cairns explained, “We took part in this huge national day of action because we wanted to make sure Cairns was on the map when it came to standing up for stronger action on climate change.”

“On Sunday 17 at 11am, concerned people of Cairns will gather in the shallow end of the lagoon for a Global Cooling Party. Wearing orange, we will march into the deep end, in a symbolic action demonstrating what will happen if we do not take action on climate change.

“We’re expecting plenty of locals to come along – we know there are lots of people in Cairns who want real action on climate, fast.”

As Cairns residents meet at the lagoon, many others will be doing the same all over the country. Organisers expect events ranging from rallies with thousands of participants in state capitals, through to local events in more than 
100 communities all over the country.

GetUp National Director Sam Mclean said, “With gatherings in more places than ever before, this record-breaking day will let the new government know we won’t stand for going backwards on climate action.”

“Australians across the nation are turning up the heat, calling on the government to aim higher on climate,” said Sam Mclean.

Comments from the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre

“The action in Cairns this Sunday has been organised by GetUp Cairns, that is – by people in the community who want stronger action on climate change” explains Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Coordinator Anna McGuire.

“At this critical time it is heartening to see the overwhelming support for stronger action on climate change in Cairns and across Australia. The majority of Australians want action on climate change.”

“Repealing the price on carbon is an irresponsible decision and one that the Abbott Government does not have a mandate for. We need effective action on climate change and the Coalition’s Direct Action Policy will not deliver meaningful outcomes.”

“With the increasing intensity of extreme weather events such as cyclones and bushfires, the lack of action to reduce emissions puts our communities at risk.”

“In Warsaw as climate negotiations continue, Philippines negotiator Yeb Sano sent a clear and heartfelt message: ‘What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness. The climate crisis is madness. We can stop this madness.'”

“We need to immediately increase Australia’s emission reduction target, keep the price on carbon to drive innovation and reduce emissions, and commit to long term funding for the most vulnerable climate change affected countries.”

“On Sunday thousands of people across the country will be sending a very clear message to the Federal Government: Act now to protect our future – Australians demand stronger action on climate change. We encourage the Abbott Government to heed this message and act immediately to reduce emissions for the sake of future generations.”

CAFNEC contact: Anna McGuire 4032 1746

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