by | Dec 5, 2013 | Ecotone Article
Great Barrier Reef Strategic Assessment released for public comment Josh Coates, Marine Programs Officer Concerned about poor health of the reef and deteriorating water quality, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee hasover recent years raised concerns about the future...
by | Sep 23, 2013 | Marine Team, Past Events, Volunteer
Marine Response Team: Conservation action for our far North Queensland marine environment. Here in Queensland’s far North we enjoy one of the most diverse and beautiful marine environments in the world. Our ocean, reefs, estuaries and marine life need our help to...
by | Aug 29, 2013 | Media Release, News
Are you wondering where our local Federal election candidates stand on environment issues? We asked the candidates in Leichhardt a few questions to find out, and have created a scorecard to compare them. Download the full scorecard including detailed responses from...
by | Jun 18, 2013 | Past Events
Life long conservationist Bob Irwin invites you to join him for a special event to hear why the greatest reef on earth needs your help. The reef is under threat from massive new industrial development all along its coastline, including here in Cairns and on Cape York....
by | May 14, 2013 | Past Events
Reef Walk 2013 is a community project initiated by 72 year old June Norman. This year June, along with a group of committed people, is walkomg the 1,200 km from Cairns to Gladstone to highlight threats to the reef. The Reef Walkers left Cairns on Saturday 1st June...