Are you wondering where our local Federal election candidates stand on environment issues?
We asked the candidates in Leichhardt a few questions to find out, and have created a scorecard to compare them.
Download the full scorecard including detailed responses from the candidates
We think some of the main issues to consider this election are:
1. Healthy Great Barrier Reef
A healthy reef is vital for a healthy economy and healthy communities in our region. Is the candidate going to work to protect the reef from port development, shipping and the impacts of decreasing water quality?
For more information check out the Australian Marine Conservation Society’s Oceans policy comparison.
2. Strong environmental laws
Retaining Federal environmental protection powers under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is vital. Handing these powers over to state governments would significantly weaken our environment protection laws and could result in loss of protected species and communities.
Find out more at
3. Taking action for a safe climate
We’re heading towards a low carbon future. Will the candidate work to ensure Australia leads the way in reducing carbon emissions and planning for a sustainable future?
For more information check out Vote Climate’s election scorecard for a comparison of major parties’ climate and energy policies.
For further information:
Read our media release 29 August
View the Queensland Environment Organisations Joint Election Position Statement
For general election scorecards check out the Get Up! election scorecard or the Australian Conservation Foundation’s comparison of major parties’ environment policies.