Easter Holiday Bat Chats

Bat Chats is an informal guided tour of the vulnerable Spectacled Flying Fox roost outside Cairns City Library and vicinity. People will learn about how the Spectacled Flying Fox is a “keystone species” which has a key role in seed dispersal around the...
Queensland Election 2015 – Far North Queensland

Queensland Election 2015 – Far North Queensland

CAFNEC 2015 Election activities and news A central source for all everything related to the 2015 election and the FNQ environment, bookmark this page and visit regularly for updates. COMPARE ELECTION POLICIES AND MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION WHEN YOU VOTE 2015 and a...
Take action for our flying-foxes

Take action for our flying-foxes

Council and the Novotel resort want to disperse the spectacled flying-fox colony from the Cairns CBD. They plan to trim the trees around the Cairns City Library until the flying foxes disperse, and to remove these trees if needed. These large and beautiful trees are...