Notice of CAFNEC Annual General Meeting: Thursday 25th October

Hello CAFNEC members,

CAFNEC would like to extend an invitation to you to join the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) next Thursday 25th October which will be coupled with October Green Drinks for an enjoyable evening.

We’ll be running the usual Green Drinks agenda (free yummy food, drinks by donation, music and interesting folk) but afterwards please join us for our AGM, where we will be looking back at efforts and successes over the 2017/18 year as well as focusing on the work ahead of us in the coming year.

When: Thursday 25th October 2016 – Green Drinks 5.30 pm, AGM 6.30 pm
Where: Cominos House, 27-29 Greenslopes St, North Cairns.

As a CAFNEC member your presence is greatly valued to participate and vote for the change you wish to see. If you are unable to attend but would still like to vote you can fill out a proxy form to nominate a proxy and send to Marie at by 12 pm on 25th October.

Is your CAFNEC membership up to date? Only financial members are eligible to vote on the election of members of the Management Committee and other matters necessitating approval of the majority of the members. If you’d like to renew online click here. If you’d like to check on your membership please call 4032 1746 and ask for Marie.

AGM Agenda:

1. Introduction and apologies
2. Minutes of the 2017 AGM tabled for adoption
3. Presentation of Annual Report by President
4. Finance Report – including

  • Receiving of the Auditor’s Report and Audited Statement
  • Presentation of the Audited Statement to the meeting for adoption
  • Appointment of an Auditor for 2018/2019
  • Report on public liability insurance & sponsorships over $500

5. Staff presentations
6. Election of members of the Management Committee
7. Any other business
8. Close of meeting

We’ll also be cracking out the screen printing gear and printing a retro CAFNEC graphic onto t-shirts for members so bring along a plain t-shirt on the night if you’d like one (scroll down to see the design). 

Your participation as a member or supporter is greatly valued by CAFNEC and we look forward to your company next week.

Kind regards
Denis Walls