Dredging and dredge spoil disposal in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) world heritage area is a serious issue. Frank Nemoson and the reef bunch are having a bit of fun in this video but the real clownfish, sea turtles and sharks of the GBR need your help to protect their homes.

The ‘reef bunch’ are from Cairns in far north Queensland and a particularly concerned about the proposal to dredge over 5 million cubic meters of mud to expand Cairns Port. They would love you to sign this petition.


Read more about the Cairns Port Shipping Development proposal.

But the Cairns proposal is just one of many port expansion projects along the GBR coast that threaten the reef’s health. The World Heritage Committee is even considering listing the reef as ‘World Heritage in danger’ in part due to the threat of dredging and dredge spoil dumping.

Check out the following site for more information and ways you can help.

Fight for the Reef – ‘it’s your reef, but you are going to have to fight for it’ – Bob Irwin

The reef bunch thanks you for your interest. Please email us: marine [at] cafnec.org.au for more information on how you can get involved.