by | Nov 24, 2016 | Community, Drain Stencil Project
Everyone needs to check out this AMAZING stop motion video put together by Riley Luckett, a Cairns primary school student who has been a part of the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre’s enrichment program this year. Riley is asking the residents of...
by | Jun 11, 2015 | Drain Stencil Project, Marine Team
The Drain Stencil Project was initiated in February 2015 by volunteers of the CAFNEC Marine Response Team. It was officially launched on Friday, 5th of June 2015 at Yorkey’s Knob. Our first drain stencilling event was a beautiful sunny day and it was celebrated...
by | Jun 2, 2015 | Drain Stencil Project, Past Events, Volunteer
Get in on the ground level. Get outdoors, get creative, meet people and do your bit to protect our local marine environment! Join us on World Environment Day, FridayJune 5th, to help launch the Cairns Drain Stencil Project. Our community volunteer group – the...