Conservation advices and recovery plans are two planning tools that set out the research and management actions needed to support the recovery of species and ecological communities listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Recovery Plans are important legislative tools that ensure the recovery of our threatened flora and fauna. Here in Queensland we have the highest faunal extinction rate in the world. The Australian and Queensland governments need to focus on funding and supporting recovery plans and the communities that drive them, rather than removing them.

The list of Recovery Plans to be removed, includes the Australian Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus). To ensure their survival we urge the Federal Government to abandon this plan to simply cut hundreds of Recovery Plans. It is not an appropriate response to the pressures we are facing as a result of an extinction crisis.


We need everyone to make a submission to the Federal Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to stop the proposed changes to conservation planning decisions, and to not abandon the use of Species Recovery Plans to ensure the ongoing survival of our Spectacled Flying Foxes.

STEP 1: Download our Submission Template

STEP 2: Add a bit about yourself


  • Follow this link to the ‘Have your Say Page’ scroll down the page and press ‘Fauna‘. You will need to sign in to have your say. Another hurdle but we urge you to continue, and complete the survey.
  • Complete the survey as follows:
    • Question 1. – Pteropus conspicillatus (Spectacled Flying Fox)
    • Question 2. – Disagree
    • Question 3. – Copy the content of your written submission into the section titled: Please provide your reasons for your response. 
    • Continue to answer the following questions.

STEP 4: Tell us you made a submission so we know how many went in!

What Kind of Submission did you make?(Required)

Your donation today will help ensure the ongoing protection of our Spectacled Flying Foxes.