We’re sad to announce that CAFNEC has formally discontinued the Drain Stencil Project and Boomerang Bags.  Boomerang Bags and Drain Stencil Project were projects CAFNEC led to amplify the plastic pollution problem in the Cairns community. On September 1st, 2021 the Queensland Government banned the use of single-use plastic including straws, stirrers, plates, unenclosed bowls, and cutlery, and expanded polystyrene (EPS) takeaway food containers and EPS cups. This new legislation is a win for reducing the amount of plastic pollution in waterways and as a result CAFNEC made the decision to end these two projects and focus on other campaigns.

About the Author

Alex is the Projects and Events Coordinator for CAFNEC. When she is not whispering to the mangroves she spends her time rollerskating or taking her drone to the beach or up mountains.

Volunteers from all age groups got creative on the streets of Cairns and left their messages to stop plastic pollution.

Long-term CAFNEC supporter Lou Gorden showing us her sewing skills.

Drain Stencil Project tought the community that our neighbourhoods are connected to the ocean via the urban stormwater drain system. We brought the community together to spray paint the message “Drains to the Reef” next to our waterways and created informed advocates for our waters, and left a physical, long-lasting message behind for the entire community.

Traveling to schools to engage students in waterway and reef health through art resulted in kids becoming environmental stewards who think about their plastic intake and disposal.

Boomerang Bags was a community-driven initiative tackling plastic pollution at the grassroots level where volunteers got together to make re-useable bags out of recycled material.

Through Boomerang Bags we intercepted materials that would otherwise go to landfill, facilitate conversations, and worked towards shifting society’s throwaway mentality to a more sustainable revolution of reuse – one needle and thread at a time.

We want to celebrate those who dedicated their times to these projects. Thank you for your time and resources to create street art and beautiful bags that can be shared with the Cairns community.

Drain Stencil Project has been handed over to Small World Journeys. Contact Laurie at laurie@nullsmallworldjourneys.com.au if you are interested in this project and would like to participate.