Now into our third year, the Community Organising and Leadership Program has evolved to ensure longevity and sustainbility in our core group of leaders. CAFNEC has identified 20 committed leaders who are volunteering across various areas of the organisation, This year, our program, is supporting them in their role to show up as leaders, to be empowered and empower others to take action.

In April 2022, our committed leaders joined myself, and Lucy for their very first workshops for the year. Workshop one was divided into three separate sessions, with a longer face-to-face session, and two online sessions. The face-to-face session focused on relational meetings, personal narrative and facilitation. While the online sessions focused on leadership and coaching.
Our face-to-face session provided our leaders with an opportunity to connect with, and learn more about their peers. It provided a space to feel part of something bigger, build a container, and create a foundation for ongoing peer-to-peer support.
Our online sessions, although a new way of teaching for us, were an effective means of ensuring all our leaders from across multiple areas of our region were able to have access.
Thanks to a generous donation, we were able to support our leaders with their ongoing learning by giving them each the Dare to Lead book by Brene Brown. Our leaders have been tasked to read this book section-by-section in the lead up to our bi-monthly leaders meetings, where their learnings are reflected upon, and deep understandings of themselves and how they work with others, is fostered.
Through training, coaching and connection we are creating a strong foundational group of courageous individuals who are working together to ensure the long-term protection of our natural environment.