Register your Get Together and recieve all the resources you need to make it happen!

We know that your stories and your community voices are important. Politicians need to know that this is a vote defining issue and that we want a Green Blue Recovery. It’s as simple as writing a letter but for impact we need more than just a few people. So we are asking you to host ‘Get Togethers for the Green and Blues’
We want you to get together with friends and family and write letters together, so your action is multiplied!
What is a Get Together?
A Get Together is a simple and powerful – helping people discuss what really matters in a comfortable environment. Hosts (who are self-selecting) invite small groups to have conversations based on focused themes. Participants might be friends, neighbours, family, workmates or people known from community networks. The conversations are shaped around an issue of interest, in this case the Green & Blue Stimulus Package.
Hosts bring together small groups of up to 10 others, but can be fewer. These might be friends, neighbours, family, workmates, or people they know from community networks. Invitations are more formal than verbal, or simply inviting people on Social Media. They are specific and targeted to people who hosts think will be interested. Attendees meet around the kitchen table, their workplace, or wherever is easiest for them. The only proviso is the place needs to be quiet enough for everyone to be heard easily and feel comfortable in the space.
The hosts facilitate a conversation about the issue and then ensure that their participants’ ideas and thoughts are heard and collated by the hosts and shared with CAFNEC (with permission), so CAFNEC can hear from the community conversations. After discussing the issue, the hosts will ask their attendees to move their passion to action, and take a step to contribute to the solution. In our case, writing a letter to our Premier, Deputy Premier and Treasurer.
Register below to host your Get Together for a #GreenBlueRecovery