Workshop 1: Community Training – Tell our Stories 

Saturday 12th September, 9am to 3.30pm ~Registrations Closed~

Workshop 2: Media Training 

Sunday 13th September, 9am to 3.00pm ~Registrations Closed~

Workshop 3: Community Training – Tell our Stories  

Saturday 19th September, 9am to 3.30pm ~Registrations Closed~

CAFNEC’s Core Trainers are working with the Climate Media Centre to host FREE full-day workshops.
We are at a pivotal point here in Tropical North Queensland.

As the pandemic continues we are seeing the increasing impacts of climate change our natural environments and our communities are suffering. High unemployment rates, economic recession and tourism downturn is exacerbated by the climate impacts we are facing. In recent years, we have experienced our homes inundated with flood waters, storm surges ravaging our coast, widespread coral bleaching, catastrophic heatwaves and increased fires, wet seasons with no rain, and damaging cyclones.

But found within the Green and Blue Economic Stimulus Package, our region has the answers and the opportunity to be better prepared and create a brighter future. By employing more people in land and sea management now, and creating long-term jobs to protect our World Heritage Areas we will a) increase our resilience to climate change, and b) rapidly increase and sustain the flow of money directly into our economy. As well as, igniting innovation and diversification to our industry that will transition our region to be the Smart Green Capital of Australia.
We have the answer but we need to gain the support from the Federal and State Governments, philanthropy, industry, and our community. That is why CAFNEC is working with the Climate Media Centre to host FREE full-day workshops.
In our workshops you will:
– Learn more about the Green and Blue Stimulus Package – the opportunities it will provide our community with, and the transformation it will have on the future of our region.
– How to tell your story, and explore different ways to use it to inspire action and create change.
– Learn how to connect with others by understanding the role of self-interest, and practicing to identify your own and other people’s self-interest.
– Develop a picture of a future you are striving towards, and begin identifying steps you might take to achieve that vision.
– Upskill on your media knowledge, and learn how to deliver an effective message on climate change and solutions
– Learn how to navigate the new-world of economic recovery
Connect with like-minded people who have a passion to see our region flourish