Everyone needs to check out this AMAZING stop motion video put together by Riley Luckett, a Cairns primary school student who has been a part of the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre’s enrichment program this year. Riley is asking the residents of Cairns to ‘Adopt a Drain‘ in their street to reduce the urban waste entering our oceans via the storm water network. Go Riley!! How do you adopt a drain? Simply go outside and pick one, then it’s your responsibility to make sure the drain remains clean – pick up the rubbish in your street and make sure the drains aren’t clogged with palm fronds and other garden debris, you’ll be thanking Riley when the wet season comes!
Check out Riley’s website here
If you’re interested in reducing rubbish entering our stormwater network and oceans why not come and do some drain stencilling with the Cafnec Marine Team? To find out more and register click here