The Cairns & Far North Environment Centre AGM 2016
Thursday 20th October at 6.30pm
Cominos House, 27-29 Greenslopes St, North Cairns

It’s not all business though! Please join us for refreshments and good company in the gardens of Cominos House following the meeting. 


  1. Introductions and apologies
  2. Minutes of the 2015 AGM presented for adoption
  3. Presentation of Annual Report by President
  4. Treasurers Report – including:
    – Receiving of the Auditors Report and Audited Statement
    – Presentation of the Audited Statement to the meeting for adoption
    – Appointment of an auditor for 2016/2017
    – Report on public liability insurance and sponsorship over $500
  5. Staff presentations
  6. Election of members of the Management Committee
  7. Any other business
  8. Guest presentation
  9. Close of meeting

Is your CAFNEC membership up to date? Only financial members are eligible to vote on the election of members to the Management Committee and other matters. Please call the Cafnec office on (07) 4032 1746 if you are unsure of your membership status.