
Check out our favourite plastic-free living blogs!

This July, we’re accepting the challenge to refuse single-use plastic. It might be tough to change your consumption behavior, but there are heaps of useful websites and awesome people out there who have been living plastic free in Australia and all over the world!
Find interesting tips and get inspired by their stories here:

Cairns, Queensland

No Waste No Worries shares many useful tips as they document their family’s journey towards waste-free and sustainable living here in Cairns.

Follow Mathilde and her friends’ journey to a waste-free lifestyle on Purging Plastic.


The Rogue Ginger, Erin has been living plastic free for three years!

Tammy Logan and her family did the plastic free July challenge last year on Gippsland Unwrapped.

Regan Jade is also encouraging people to accept the plastic free July challenge.

Waste Free Me documented their household’s journey from wasteful to waste free over one year.

New South Wales

Check out Clean Coast Collective’s tips on hosting a plastic-free party

       Follow NSW sustainability champion Tim Silverwood and his environmental movement Take 3 For the Sea

Western Australia

Lindsay Miles gives good tips on zero waste and plastic-free living, simple living and minimalism, real food and recipes on treading my own path.

Check out other blogs and useful website from all over the world here:

Other blogs:
