The Cairns branch of the 100% Renewable Energy Campaign is looking for volunteers to step up to leadership roles to continue our local involvement in this nationally significant campaign.

By connecting with people around the country to have an impact on national, state and regional politics you can make a difference.


The 100% Renewable Energy Campaign has been a hugely successful and popular national campaign. It has been attributed with being highly influential in putting renewable energy on the national agenda and keeping it there. Being a part of this national campaign allows us here in Cairns to have an impact on national policy. Over the past couple of years the 100% renewable team in Cairns (supported by CAFNEC) has been at the forefront of climate and renewable energy community action and has ensured that those actions are both locally and nationally relevant.

We’re looking for people with passion, commitment and willingness to work as part of a local and national team to win tangible results. It’s a great opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills and be part of a team that does something practical about climate change and – yes – protecting Australians from the madness of spiraling fuel prices and supply issues.

Go on… be spontaneous, passionate and inspired. Step up. Send an email now to climate(at) to express interest in getting involved 🙂

Big solar launch, Cairns 1Solar thermal plant