Change the laws: Save our Sky Puppies

Make a donation today!
CAFNEC relies on donations to continue to push for greater conservation and protection of our region’s remarkable environment. 

The Queensland and Federal governments are abandoning their responsibility to properly manage threatened species and there is no clearer case than that of Flying Foxes in Queensland. 

At a Federal level, the government is planning to axe 184 recovery plans, effectively removing the legislative requirement to prevent extinction and biodiversity loss. This includes the Spectacled Flying Fox, a key pollinator for the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

At a state level we know that Queensland roost management laws are outdated and allow for activities that are ineffective, costly and in face increase population stress on Flying Foxes. The report we are releasing today is about bringing Queensland Management practices in line with the other states and territories across Australia and seeing this Labour government meet a commitment they made 7 years ago. 

We are seeing both the Federal and Queensland government sit on their hands as these species face ever increasing threats to their survival. With the highest mammal extinction rate in the world, this is an international embarrassment for Australia.

CAFNEC is campaigning to keep Recovery Plans and reform QLD law to conserve and protect this important keystone species. Your donation will help with the legal and campaign work needed to get there!

Donate to CAFNEC

All donations over $2 to CAFNEC are tax deductible.

The CAFNEC Gift Fund is a public fund listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations under item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55(1) of the Income Tax Asssessment Act 1997.

Got questions?

Contact our fundraising coordinator Vanessa Hoedlmayr-Wales: Email 

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