Saltmarsh MonitoringSaltmarsh monitoring is part of the MangroveWatch Project. This is a citizen science activity that educates and upskills the local community to monitor saltmarsh habitat in Far North Queensland.
Saltmarsh is defined as a habitat within the upper coastal intertidal zone between the land and open saltwater that is regularly flooded by the tides. It is a vital habitat for migratory bird species, fish, and crabs.
This habitat is often overlooked and used as a rubbish dumping ground due to it being a wide, open space. Thus, it is important to raise awareness and involve the community in caring for saltmarshes.
Tropical saltmarsh currently do not receive any legislation protection because not enough is known about this habitat type. By citizen scientists collecting data and monitoring saltmarsh sites, it increases our understanding of these ecosystems and allows us to advocate for their protection.
Upcoming Trips!
Please see below for our upcoming trips. Click the link next to each date to register.
*Currently planning field trips, check back again at the end of March or email*
“As a CAFNEC Volunteer in 2022, I gained a greater appreciation for saltmarsh habitat. Getting hands-on experience made me feel more responsible to care for saltmarsh habitat. I also felt better connected to the local community as I was surrounded by like-minded people. I am excited to continue this activity in 2023!”
– Shannon, Projects Officer
Saltmarsh monitoring events occur throughout the Cairns Region during the dry season. This activity takes 1 – 2 hours depending on number of sites surveyed.
Everyone is welcome to come along! If you are a saltmarsh expert, come along! If you do not have a background in science, come along! The activities are designed for everyone in the local community to learn together and contribute to scientific research.
Monitoring dates are posted on CAFNEC’s Facebook and Instagram page.
All equipment and training is provided by CAFNEC. If attending an event, please wear closed toed shoes and sun protection.
For general inquiries contact Shannon Bredeson at or ring 07 4036 1746.
Any volunteer under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who will be responsible for the welfare of the minor in their care for the duration of any CAFNEC events or activities.
Anyone who works, volunteers or participates in CAFNEC spaces or events must uphold our Code of Conduct.
SaltMarsh Monitoring Begins! 5th May 2023
The SaltMarsh monitoring season is starting! Our first SaltMarsh field day is Friday, 5th May at 8am Please join us at Jack Barnes boardwalk near Cairns Airport. This is an exciting monitoring event as Shadow Minister for Environment, Sam O’Connor will be taking a...
Saltmarsh Activities Coming Soon!
It is almost March, which means we are getting closer and closer to the dry season! Keep an eye on our socials (Facebook and Instagram) for upcoming dates and locations!
This project is currently funded thanks to #CitizenScience Grants by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation along with The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. It is also proudly supported by the Queensland Government—Queensland Citizen Science Grants and Wet Tropics Management Authority Climate Action Grant. To establish the project the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) have previously received funding from the Queensland Government via their Engaging Science grants, Cairns Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC), Cairns Regional Council, and Terrain NRM Natural Capital Grant.
We are proud to partner with volunteers, land care groups, and Indigenous ranger groups across Wet Tropics Estuaries and in the Cape. They generously provide their knowledge and resources to make the monitoring possible and enhance environmental stewardship opportunities in the region.