The following are hot links to a range of organisations which provide useful information in relation to protection of the environment or our region.

Regional Web Resources

(Full details of local groups can be found on the Contacts page)
Austrop – Cape Tribulation Research Station
Brisbane Rainforest Action and Information Network
Chakoro Nature Refuge
Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation (C4)
Co-operative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management
Daintree Rainforest Foundation
Daintree Rainforest Rescue
Environmental Defenders Office – uses the law to protect our wildlife, people and places
Frog Safe
Kuranda EnviroCare
Friends of the Earth Kuranda (Formerly Kuranda Range Defenders)
North Queensland Conservation Council
Queensland Conservation Council
Far North Queensland Wildlife Rescue
Steven Nowakowski – Natural History and Landscape Photographer

National Web Resources

Australian Conservation Foundation
Australian Coral Reef Society
Australian Marine Conservation Society
Bird Observers Club of Australia
Bicycles Network Australia – The Australian start site for Cyclists
Clean Up Australia
Climate Action Network (CANA)
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Earthsharing Australia
Earthwatch Australia
Friends of the Earth Australia
Greening Australia
Greenpeace Australia
Marine and Coastal Community Network
National Centre for Sustainability
The Wilderness Society
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia

International Web Resources

Envirolink Network
Friends Of the Earth
Global Overview of Forest Protected Areas
New Internationalist Magazine
The Australian Conservation
The Wilderness Society
Union of Concerned Scientists – USA
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
World Wide Web Resources : Environment

Indigenous and Cape York

Aboriginal Co-ordinating Council
Bakanu Cape York Development Organisation
Cape York Land Council
Cape York Peninsula Development Association
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)
Syndey Uni Koori Centre
Queensland Environment Groups Native Title and protected Areas Project

Government – State

Dept. Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Environmental Protection Agency/Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service
Dept. Local Govt. & Planning
Dept. Primary Industries

Government – Federal

Info on the Cool Communities project
Department of Environment & Heritage
Federal Environment Ministers Media Releases, Speeches and Transcripts
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Regional Natural Resource Management
Wet Tropics Management Authority