
Aug 25 2022


5:30 am - 7:00 pm

Green Drinks

Come along, relax and enjoy some good company at Cairns Green Drinks – an informal monthly networking event for people working or interested in the environment – everyone is welcome.

The aim of Green Drinks is to encourage networking, creativity and thought on environmental issues and projects. You can come to make new partnerships, learn about ways to volunteer with us, or just learn about a new topic from our guest speakers. Green Drinks is 100% volunteer-run, so we are keen to hear your input too.

Dr. Gwynn MacCarrick will be presenting at our August Green Drinks event. Dr. MacCarrick is an accomplished law lecturer,   who will be speaking about her research on the global push to make Ecocide an international crime. Ecocide is the destruction of the natural environment by deliberate or negligent human action. She is also the founder of Ecocide Watch, which identifies and reports on ecological crimes happening in all corners of the world. The mission of Ecocide Watch is to educate the public on what constitutes the crime of ecocide and identify the worst cases of ecological harm. Come along to Green drinks on August 25th and broaden your knowledge to Ecocide as an international crime.