Leadership Program






In 2020 CAFNEC launched our Community Organising and Leadership Program. The program established a core trainer group of committed local leaders who worked alongside CAFNEC’s Community Organiser to establish a sophisticated and well-resourced training program for Far North Queensland.

Now coming into our fourth year the Program has evolved to ensure longevity and sustainability of our core leadership group. CAFNEC has identified committed leaders in the organisation who are being stepped up, trained and coached to build leadership and empower others in the organisation and the broader community. 


Far from any major centres, the isolation of our region makes it difficult for our community to gain the valuable training necessary to build our campaigning and leadership skills. Too often we see our passionate changemakers leaving for the big smoke to attain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. The Program makes certain that ongoing and relevant training is provided to our region, and ensures more and more people have the capacity to take effective action to ensure a safe climate and flourishing natural environment.


The Program reflects the Snowflake Model, whereby ‘leaders lead leaders’. This approach shares responsibility amongst individuals, creating distributed leadership. It replaces a single leader in a network with interconnected leaders. The Program goes beyond winning environmental challenges and invests in building community leadership for sustained power.

The Program empowers ordinary people to recognise that they can make a difference, and have the means to create a better Far North Queensland, through sustainable collective action.

The Program provides committed leaders with an understanding as to the practices of leadership, and how to develop and empower leadership in others. The Program also provides an introduction to Community Organising and Campaign Strategy frameworks.


We have some incredibly experienced activists here in FNQ and together we are going to ensure that our community has ongoing and essential skills to advocate for a better future.
But the reality is we do need money to do this. Your donation will provide training resources, the delivery of workshops and will be building the movement we need! No donation is too big or too small.
If you would like to find out more about our Program please do not hesitate to get in contact with Monique at getinvolved@nullcafnec.org.au.
We have some incredibly experienced activists here in FNQ and together we are going to ensure that our community has ongoing and essential skills to advocate for a better future.
But the reality is we do need money to do this. Your donation will provide training resources, the delivery of workshops and will be building the movement we need! No donation is too big or too small.
If you would like to find out more about our Program please do not hesitate to get in contact with Aïsha at getinvolved@nullcafnec.org.au.
Lindy Murray

Mandy Soymonoff

Millie Knight

Stacey Buchanan

John Shute

Beatriz Cano

Shannon Bredeson

Indian Marshall

Ty'a Dynevor

Elise Bryant

Ashlyn Skeene

Ruth Zee

Rachel Platte

Anouk Shcrijver

Hannah Gryphon


Aïsha has near to a decade of experience as a mentor, identifying and establishing  training resources, and providing training and one-to-one coaching to children and adults.

Aïsha solidified her role as a Community Organiser and Campaigner in 2019 after completing the Change Agency Fellowship. 

In her role as Community Organiser, Aïsha builds leadership and empowers our members, member groups and the wider community, to grow our movement and take action for a safe climate and vibrant FNQ natural environment. 

Previous to the Program, Aïsha developed and delivered advocacy training in FNQ with other organisations, as part of CAFNEC’s Warriors of the Waterways Project. 

Aïsha de Barros Lopes

Community Organiser

Stream 1 - CAFNEC Volunteers

Building the capability of our volunteers to effectively deliver CAFNEC’s campaigns and projects. 

Stream 2 - CAFNEC Member Groups

Building the capability of our Member Groups to take effective action, establish strong networks and increase engagement in their work. 

Stream 3 - Wider Community

Responding to urgent community concerns and building the capability of the community to deliver their own campaigns. 



Understanding the value of relationships and why they are key to effecting change.


Understanding what it means to be an effective leader, and nurturing leadership in others.


Creating and maintaining healthy working groups.


Effectively applying community organising and campaign strategy tools.

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