Submissions on the Public Environment Report have now CLOSED (as of 5:00 PM on 09 January 2023). However, you may still wish to write to Ark Energy and the Federal environment minister, Hon Tanya Plibersek to share your concerns, and can use the information below to do so.
The Chalumbin Wind farm is proposed in a heavily vegetated landscape, containing threatened species and in close proximity to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.
The project is poorly cited, development of this scale and impact does not have place in such close proximity to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area (WTQWHA). The complete lack of consideration of biodiversity in the siting of the project is not acceptable. These impacts can not be avoided effectively or offset. Lastly, it is not a strategic necessity for the transition to renewable energy, and there is currently not enough capacity in the grid for the energy produced by the Wind Farm. The project will set a precedent for the kind of renewable energy development in Queensland that the community can expect to see with the transition away from the fossil fuel industry.
No amount of minimising, offsetting, rehabilitation, will account for poorly placed, and poorly planned development.
Make A Submission
The Public Environment Report that is prepared as a part of the EPBC Act Assessment is really imporant. We must work to have as many people making submissions regarding the issues of this windfarm, so that they are highlighted in the assessment. However, we also know that the Federal Laws have been failing to protect nature, so we must also write to the Federal environment minister, Hon Tanya Plibersek, urging her to reject this proposal. It is a prime opportunity to share the vision we have for a restorative energy industry.
Make a Submission
- Post it to: Chalumbin Wind Farm Pty Ltd c/ Ark Energy, Level 6, 200 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000Use the submission template below OR
- Email to
- Given that submission are going straight to the proponent, we suggest you also upload here for transparency
Write to the Minister
- Template Below
- Send to
Submission to Chalumbin PER
We are keeping a track of the submissions made to the Ark Energy so that there is a public record of submissions made to the proponent regarding the Public Environment Report. This will help us review how our submissions were considered once Ark Energy publish the Final PER.
Transparency of EPBC Act Process
Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the implementation of reforms to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. As a result there are still failings that we have to deal with.
One of the major issues with the PER process is that the proponent does not have to keep a public register of submissions. Therefore there is not transparency regarding what the proponent did, or did not change based on submission.
To help the community have this transparency, CAFNEC is providing the opportunity to upload your submissions to our folder, so that we can see what issues have been raised, and how the proponent has/has not addressed them in the final PER.