The Cairns Regional Council has revealed plans to destroy a heritage-listed tree at the Cairns City Library. Known as T5 the tree is an integral part of the heritage landscape and aesthetic of the heritage listed Library. It’s well known and valued as a part of Cairns’ history. The tree is also the main nursery tree for the endangered Spectacled Flying Fox in what is a Nationally Significant Camp for the species.
The Cairns Regional Council, despite being found guilty of breaching state laws in roost management previously, is applying to self-assess the impacts of removing the tree. This would mean no formal assessment of the impacts of removing this important roost tree would be made.
“Over the last 10 years permission has been granted for the removal of 32 roost trees from this Nationally Significant Camp, and now the Cairns Regional Council are attempting to remove the main nursery tree, one of only five left. We must ensure that the remaining habitat is protected, and that this action is declared as a controlled action” – Denis Walls, President of the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre
We need everyone to make a submission to the EPBC Referral and ensure that the Council’s application is declared a controlled action and assessed under Federal Environmental Laws.
STEP 1: Download our Guide
STEP 2; Add a bit about yourself
- Follow this link to the ‘Have your Say Page’ and complete the form.
- Complete the form including
- Copy the content of the written submission into the section titled: Provide reasons for why you believe this is/is not a controlled action.
STEP 4: Tell us you made a submission so we know how many went in!