Send your statement to the Federal Government EPBC Referrals Gateway using the form below to oppose the dispersal of Spectacled Flying Foxes at Cairns Library

The due date for submissions is Monday 29th April 2019. 

Fill in your details and send off the form below as is, or make changes to it as you please.

We’ve also provided links to the referral documents if you would like to write your own submission from scratch. If you have time we always recommend an individual submission To submit it simply send it in an email to with the reference Number: 2019/8424 in the subject line.

However, we understand many of us are busy hence the template option below. 

Referral documents: 

Other key docs: 
The four community experts on the Council’s own Flying Fox Advisory Committee have released a damning open letter categorically opposing this action. If you are going to do your own submission look at these documents that have a lot of important detail in it.

Bat and Trees Society Submission Template: https://batsoc72412150

Read the letter here:
Share it on Facebook:

You can also read more information on the background of the issue in Cairns on our website, as well as listen to Dr Martin Cohen Wildlife Biologist & Chair of Flying Fox Advisory Committee’s ABC interview on the issue here: