Everyone must come:
Stop Adani Rally June 18!
Rally your rellys, friends and neighbours to send a message loud and clear that here in FNQ we are ready to #StopAdani!
Join Stop Adani Cains on Sunday 18 June 3pm for an afternoon of music, speeches and action. Let’s all come together at Fogarty Park to to call on the Federal Government not to give $1 billion to Adani.
The rally will be a fun, family afternoon with plenty of music, and speakers including indigenous leaders, marine scientists and reef campaigners.
We need every single one of us! Let’s make this the rally to end Adani!
The day of the rally is when the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility head honchos will be in town to speak at the Northern Australia conference. So come and join in to let the NAIF delegates know: we will not let our governments give $1 billion of tax payer money to a climate destroying mine!
Bring your people and be the change you want to see. RSVP to the Facebook event and share share share to help get the word out.
WHEN: Sunday 18th June 3 – 5pm
WHERE: Fogarty Park, The Esplanade, Cairns
Contact: stopadanicairns@nullgmail.com
Want to do more? Click here to download and print some flyers to distribute for the event. Don’t forget to invite others to the the Facebook event and share share share to help get the word out.