Newspoll has found that over 85% of the community support a container deposit scheme.

85 percent imageCAFNEC supports the introduction of a deposit on beverage containers like the one that has been successful in SA for many years. Reducing the amount of plastic and glass ending up in landfill and littering our land and sea environment is important to our future and putting a deposit on containers is an obvious action we can take right now.

We also support reducing the use of plastic bags and other plastic packaging, banning single use plastic bags and banning the use of microbeads. CAFNEC is part of the community advocating for change on plastic pollution and are working with local groups and national groups like the Boomerang Alliance to make this change reality in Far North Queensland.

Following recent announcements by the NSW Government that it plans to introduce a container deposit scheme CAFNEC and the Boomerang Alliance are campaigning for the scheme to be expanded to Queensland.

Stay tuned and join our mailing list via this website (right sidebar) to be part of our push to reduce plastic pollution in FNQ!

Where do you stand on the issue?