Reef in danger action greenpeaceThis week, six brave Greenpeace volunteers climbed onto a coal tanker just outside the Great Barrier Reef and stayed there for 28 hours. They did this because Australia’s coal exports are the nation’s greatest contribution to climate change and plans are underway to roughly double the volume of coal we export – a development that flies in the face of Australia’s commitment to take action to limit global warming to below 2 degrees. You can view photos and information about this action here.
Greenpeace’s ship, the Rainbow Warrior, is now heading for Cairns with these 6 activists on board for a brief and unexpected visit!
The ship will arrive this Saturday morning (27 April) at 8.30am and we’re hoping you can come down to give this famous vessel and the Greenpeace team a big Cairns welcome.
8.30am Saturday 27 April
Berth 1, Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal
Wharf St
Bring your friends and family along and make this a welcome the Greenpeace team will remember.
on board