Take a moment this festive season to call Minister Burke’s office and let him know that we want to protect Ella Bay from the inappropriate Ella Bay development.

The number of his Parliament House office is:

(02) 6277 7640.

So why not pick up the phone today and pass on your message?

If you don’t want to phone, consider sending a letter to Minister Burke at PO Box 6022, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600.

Or sending a fax to: (02) 6273 6101

Have a look at our letter to Minister Burke for some examples of dot points.

And if you haven’t already, you can send an email to Tony Burke via our easy online email generator.


What will I talk about?

The phone will be answered by the Minister’s friendly office staff who will most likely offer to take down your message and pass it on to the Minister. Try to be clear and concise in your message, for example:

“Hi, I’m calling regarding the proposed Ella Bay development in far north Queensland. I would like to pass on a message to the Minister that this proposal is completely inappropriate for this location and would have irreversible impacts on the endangered species and communities on the site and would degrade the natural values of this unique area.”

For more background, read our letter to Minister Burke.


Why phone Minister Burke?

A phone call is more effective than an email.

The most effective methods of getting a politician’s attention are from most to least effective:

  1. Face to face meeting
  2. Personal letter
  3. Phone call
  4. Email

Getting a face to face meeting with Minister Burke is out of the question for most people, but writing him a letter or phoning his office is an easy way to make sure your voice is heard.