The government is planning to hand over environmental approval powers to the states through COAG, thereby weakening our environmental law reforms, and threatening unique Australian ecosystems and species. This would mean project approvals could occur without federal oversight. Unfortunately, the states can’t be trusted to look after the environment. State governments have a track record of putting short-term gains ahead of national interest when assessing development proposals.
For more information visit the national campaign website
TAKE ACTION – Your action can make a difference!
Write to Senator Jan McLucas (and CC the Prime Minister and the Federal Environment Minister) about your concerns.
Cairns Electorate Office – (07) 4031 6009 or 1300 301 959
Postal: PO Box 2733 Cairns Qld 4870
Canberra Office – (02) 6277 3680
Make it clear what you are asking for:
• No handing over of environmental powers to the States
• Strengthening our environmental protections, not weakening them
Some major points:
• The COAG agenda is being driven by big business interests.
• The handing over of powers to the states is intended to ensure even more rapid approvals of major and often destructive developments
• It will not improve protection of places that are special to us.
• Our national environmental laws are not working now – handing them to the states will make them much worse much faster
• Virtually every environmental indicator in Australia is in decline, even the Great Barrier Reef. (see, State of the Environment Report 2011) – we need stronger protections, not weaker.
If you can, speak to local examples that would be at greater risk if the Qld Government had control of all environmental laws, such as Boat Bay Marina, Wongai Coal Mine (Cape York), Ella Bay resort development etc.
You can find out what EPBC protected matters are in North Queensland here –
More information to help you can be found at and http:/