2nd Friday of every month
5.30pm, at a venue in Cairns
Everyone welcome, just turn up.
Interested in the environment, sustainability, social justice…?
Come along, relax and enjoy some good company at Cairns Green Drinks – an informal monthly catch up for socialising and networking.
It’s a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organising network.
The aim of Cairns Green Drinks is to encourage networking, creativity and thought on environmental issues and projects. Green Drinks are agenda-free, non-politically aligned and everyone is welcome. Come along and you’ll be made welcome.
Contact: coord[at]cafnec.org.au for any more information.
Next event:
End of Year Green Drinks, 29 November at Centre of Contemporary Arts, 96 Abbott St Cairns from 5.30pm
Join us and other local environment groups for a special end of year Green Drinks.
Don’t miss it!
Future events:
No event in January 2014
14 February 2014
Green Drinks is an international phenomenon, check out http://www.greendrinks.org/ to see how many cities all over the world host a Green Drinks event.