Stuck at Home – Webinar Series #1 – Mangrove Watch
#stuckathome Webinar Series
Social Distancing is expected to continue until at least mid-May. After that, there will be a slow transition away from social distancing.
As a result, the CAFNEC community is limited in our ability to meet in person, take action and encourage the community to join us.
The stuck at home webinar series is designed to provide a point of connection to our members and to highlight the project and campaign work we are involved in.
First up we have Jock from the MangroveWatch.
Jock Mackenzie is a tidal wetland ecologist and science communicator with over 15 years experience in field ecology. About 15 years ago Jock discovered how truly amazing and useful mangroves are and since then he has developed a passion for their conservation and protection. He’s continually surprised by the fascinating complex interactions that occur in this environment and the functional benefits they provide to people in coastal areas.
His main interests are in developing an increased awareness of how people influence mangroves, the processes that detract from their capacity to provide the ecosystem services upon which we rely and what we can do to reduce those threats. In 2008 he co-founded MangroveWatch with Dr. Norm Duke to help address these issues and he is currently co-director and program coordinator. Through the MangroveWatch science-community partnership, he aims to raise awareness of the importance of mangroves, increase overall understanding of mangrove ecosystems, define local threats and processes and assess how people value mangroves in their local area.
Jock has worked extensively with Traditional Owner communities in Australia and the Pacific Islands where he has developed an increased understanding of both how important tidal wetlands are to coastal indigenous Australians and the important role these communities play in conserving their local mangrove and salt marsh habitats for the benefit of all Australians.
MangroveWatch is a citizen-science partnership between communities, scientists and resource-managers to document changes in local mangrove habitats and inform better management of estuaries.
Come along to find out more about this ongoing partnership, and see how you can get involved!
Join us on Zoom –